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Brianna Lyman
Apr 2, 2020
Seeking Asylum: How It Works
Seeking asylum in the United States is one of the many ways people can come into this country legally. Although people have the right to...
Brianna Lyman
Apr 2, 2020
The Minimum Wage Fails to Protect Workers Because it’s a Product of Socialism
Minimum wage laws have been thought of as a leveraging tool for employees to ensure that employers are paying them fair wages. But with...
Brianna Lyman
Apr 2, 2020
Capitalism versus Corporatism
Bernie Sanders and other progressives claim big corporations corrupt the economy. They say corporations are in cahoots with the...
Brianna Lyman
Apr 2, 2020
Contrary to Liberal Lies, ICE Can’t Go Around Randomly Detaining People
The Constitution grants the power of naturalization to Congress. That means Congress, and Congress alone, gets to decide our immigration...
Brianna Lyman
Apr 2, 2020
Socialism is Incompatible with American Values
With socialist candidates like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at the forefront of American politics, the nation must ask...
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